One-way Rental Cars

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Grab a great rate on one-way car rental

With a one-way car rental, you can keep moving in one direction and choose a dream car to get you there. No more driving in circles. You choose the pace, the route, and how long you need it for. So, whether you’re heading across town, to another city, or a different state, at Expedia it’s easy to just book and go.

Why choose a one-way car rental? 

Save travel time and stay flexible by choosing a one-way rental car to get you from A to B without backtracking. So, if a flight is canceled, your plans change at the last-minute, or you need a car for just one part of your trip, a one-way car rental lets you pick up in one location and drop off in another. Simple. 

How can I find one-way car rental deals? 

Enter your pick-up location, add a different drop-off location, then enter the dates and times you need the car and hit search. Your results will show you a range of deals on one-way car rentals. Simply click on a deal you like and choose the rental office closest to your drop-off destination.   

How much is it to rent a one-way car rental on Expedia? 

The price you pay depends on your car type, your pick-up location, your travel dates. We’ve partnered with all the main car-rental suppliers to offer fantastic deals for you to compare in one place. Some partners may charge an additional drop-off fee for one-way car rental, but that’s always included in the deal price.  

Are there different car types available for a one-way trip?  

Absolutely. There are small and mid-size cars that are great on fuel economy for long one-way trips. There are roomy compacts and large SUVs for heading off the beaten track, cool convertibles for beach drives, premium and luxury cars for style and comfort all the way. Use the car type filter to find the car that fits your journey.  

What firms supply one-way car rentals? 

At Expedia, there are one-way car rental deals from all the main suppliers, like Hertz, Avis, Enterprise, and more, right there in your search results. If you have a favorite company or want to compare one to another, use the car rental company filter to narrow your results further. 

Which destinations do you recommend for a one-way car rental?  

Discover how a one-way car rental in Florida can take you from the glamorous party metropolis of Miami to the laidback vibes of Key West for a beach trip like no other. With a one-way car rental in NYC, you could drive from New York City to Boston or Washington DC and explore the state parks, beaches, and incredible landmarks en route.

Can I get free cancellation on my one-way car rental with Expedia?   

Yes. We have a fantastic choice of deals that include free cancellation. So you can book up today without worrying about the cost if your plans change. Many companies let you cancel right up to pick-up. Check the terms and conditions before you book, then simply cancel online if you need to.  

Is Expedia the right place to book my one-way car rental? 

Yes! Choose from a vast selection of one-way rental car deals ready to book right now. Plus, you can bundle your car rental with a hotel stay, a vacation rental or a flight and get even bigger discounts.