$143 Cheap Flights to Port Arthur, TX

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How much is the cheapest flight to Port Arthur?

Prices were available within the past 7 days and start at $143 for one-way flights and $252 for round trip, for the period specified. Prices and availability are subject to change. Additional terms apply.

American Airlines
American Airlines
American Airlines
American Airlines
American Airlines

Tips to find the cheapest flights to Port Arthur

The cheapest day to fly

Get started finding a cheap flight to Port Arthur on Expedia by either choosing a deal on this page or entering into the search bar your travel dates, origin airport, and whether you want roundtrip or one-way airfare. You can filter for flexibility, number of stops, airline, and departure/arrival times to find the best flight for you.

The cheapest month to fly

April is the cheapest month to fly to Port Arthur. This coincides with the low season when fewer people travel. Whichever month you travel in, though, be sure to book at least a month in advance if you want to score cheap tickets to Port Arthur. ARC's data shows that domestic flights booked 28 days or more before departure are typically 24% cheaper than those booked last minute.

The most affordable time to book a flight

Typically, a Sunday can be the cheapest time to book a flight to Port Arthur, according to ARC’s data. On average, you could save between 6% and 13% by booking on a Sunday instead of a Friday, which is the most expensive day to make a reservation.

The cheapest round-trip tickets to Port Arthur

The lowest price for round-trip flights to Port Arthur in 2025 starts from from $252, while one-way tickets start from from $143. Expedia's effective search tool is one of the best ways to find a budget airfare. Simply enter your dates, and within seconds, it'll show you a vast selection of the cheapest flights to Port Arthur. If you have a preferred departure time or airline, you can use the handy filters to customize your search.

The cheapest airlines flying to Port Arthur

American Airlines are just some of the airlines that can typically offer cheap tickets to Port Arthur. You can find their most affordable flights by using the “airline” search filter and then sorting prices from low to high. As a trusted partner of the world's leading airlines, Expedia offers you some of the best airfare deals to Port Arthur and countless more destinations worldwide.

The most affordable airports to fly into

To view the cheapest airports to fly into for Port Arthur, simply order your search results from lowest to highest price. Expedia's search tool compares flight prices for all airports close to your destination, so you don't have to manually search them one by one to find the cheapest flight to Port Arthur. If you have a preferred place to fly into, take advantage of the “arrival airport” filter to narrow down your search on Expedia.

Save with a package

With Expedia's amazing package deals, you could save hundreds of dollars by booking your Port Arthur plane tickets together with your accommodations, car rental, or activities. Just select the search wizard's “package” option to view some of the cheapest deals. Look out for the green savings label to see how much you're saving.

Date flexibility for the cheapest flights to Port Arthur

If you can be flexible with your travel dates, it's a good idea to broaden your search by comparing prices on different days. This will open up more options, meaning you could uncover a less expensive flight to Port Arthur.

Stopover savings

The cheapest tickets to Port Arthur are sometimes those with a stopover. Book one of these flights, and you'll change planes at an airport en route to Port Arthur. While the overall travel time might be longer than a non-stop flight, you may decide it's worth it for the money saved.

Get Expedia's Price Drop Protection

Price Drop Protection means that if your flight gets cheaper after booking, you'll be credited the difference*. This gives you peace of mind that you're getting one of the cheapest flights to Port Arthur for your chosen departure. Expedia's Price Drop Protection is available for a small fee but is free to One Key Gold and Platinum tier members.

*Terms apply.

Use our Price Tracking feature

Expedia's Price Tracking feature is another great tool that removes the guesswork from finding cheap flights to Port Arthur. Simply download the free Expedia app to your smart device and activate Port Arthur flight price alerts for your travel dates. There's even a price predictor tool that uses historical data to indicate the best time to book, giving you peace of mind that you'll nab the lowest prices.

Book with Expedia

As well as Price Drop Protection and Price Tracking, Expedia's close partnership with a vast selection of the world's leading airlines means you're sure to find cheap flights to Port Arthur. Plus, the One Key rewards program lets you earn real cash rewards on most bookings that you can use to save money on future trips. Best of all, it's free to join, and members often unlock exclusive discounts, too.

Disclaimer: ARC The statistics are based on average round-trip ticket prices between January and August 2023. The percentages you see are averages.

Frequently asked questions

What month is the cheapest to fly to Port Arthur?
The least expensive month for flights to Port Arthur is usually March *. Set your travel dreams in motion without breaking the bank by flying when fares are at their lowest.*Cheapest month to fly is based on the month with the cheapest flight found on Expedia.com in the next 330 days.
Which US cities have the cheapest flights to Port Arthur?
You’re likely to find cheap flights to Port Arthur if you depart from Dallas. Keep in mind that time of year and demand may influence how much you pay, so act fast when you spot a good deal.
Which US cities fly direct to Port Arthur?
Fly to Port Arthur without any layovers from Dallas. This is the only city in the US with nonstop journeys to Port Arthur. Simply click “Direct flights only” when searching on Expedia to see your options.
How to find a cheap flight to Port Arthur?
To lock in cheap flights to Port Arthur, book early or visit during the off-peak months of June and November. Like another tip? Jet off on a Thursday and save around 16% on average compared to those who travel on a Sunday.* Set a price alert on the Expedia app and we’ll update you as soon as your fares drop.*Best day of the week to book, depart and ideal booking window recommendations based on average round-trip ticket prices for January through August 2023, sourced from Airline Reporting Corporation’s (ARC) global airline sales database. Percentages noted are averages.
How to get a cheap last-minute flight to Port Arthur?
While booking in advance is generally the easiest way to save money, don’t worry if your Port Arthur getaway is last minute. You can still find cheap flights to Port Arthur, especially if your plans have a little leeway. Try switching up your dates, exploring different ticket types or flying out of an alternative airport.
How far in advance should I book a flight to Port Arthur?
Book your flight to Port Arthur two to four months ahead if you’re jetting in from an international destination. For domestic travel, the usual timeframe is 28 days in advance. Better deals and a wider variety of departure dates, times and seating options are just some of the perks of booking early.**Best day of the week to book, depart and ideal booking window recommendations based on average round-trip ticket prices for January through August 2023, sourced from Airline Reporting Corporation’s (ARC) global airline sales database. Percentages noted are averages.
Which day of the week is the cheapest day to buy a plane ticket to Port Arthur?
Sundays are usually the best day to book a cheap flight to Port Arthur, where you can save 8% on average compared to a Friday. If you decide to buy tickets on a Friday, expect to spend more as this is often the most expensive day.**Best day of the week to book, depart and ideal booking window recommendations based on average round-trip ticket prices for January through August 2023, sourced from Airline Reporting Corporation’s (ARC) global airline sales database. Percentages noted are averages.
Which airlines fly to Port Arthur?
Port Arthur has connections to 2 airports around the world through 2 carriers, like American Airlines. Lake Charles Regional Airport (LCH) serves as the main hub for many airlines to Port Arthur. United Airlines can also fly you to this popular destination.
Where do you fly into Port Arthur?
Southeast Texas Regional Airport (BPT) is the main airport for passengers flying to Port Arthur. Or you could disembark at Lake Charles Regional Airport (LCH). Compare fares between the two airports to find the most convenient or cost-effective way to fly to Port Arthur.
How far is the airport from central Port Arthur?
You’ll be about 7 mi northwest of central Port Arthur after landing at Southeast Texas Regional Airport (BPT).
Can I save money by booking a Port Arthur trip package?
Book a Port Arthur flight and hotel package deal on Expedia, and you could enjoy significant savings. It’s easy to bundle your flights and accommodations, and you can add car rentals and activities to create your own personalized Port Arthur getaway. Plus, nothing beats the convenience of booking everything in one place.
Can I change or cancel my flight to Port Arthur?
If you reserved your flight to Port Arthur in the last 24 hours, you can typically cancel or change it for free. After that, additional charges may apply depending on the airline’s terms of service. To learn more, check out our Customer Service Portal. Bear in mind that some flights are non-refundable, so you may be offered a credit for future travel instead of a direct refund. When browsing Expedia, select the “Changes included” or “No cancel fee” boxes to see fares with flexible change policies.
Flights to Port Arthur information
Destination airport
Southeast Texas Regional
Destination airport IATA code
Destination city name
Roundtrip price

Trending flights to Port Arthur

Prices were available within the past 7 days and start at $143 for one-way flights and $252 for round trip, for the period specified. Prices and availability are subject to change. Additional terms apply.

American Airlines
*Available to One Key members.