Plan a Vacation: Step by Step Guide

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Vacation planner: plan your next escape with Expedia

The anticipation of vacation planning in 2024 and researching is almost as good as actually being there. Start dreaming today and craft your perfect itinerary. When you book with Expedia, you can plan a vacation with access to the latest deals for thrilling destinations around the world. Choose from solo adventures, romantic couples retreats, family-friendly vacations, or city breaks for the ultimate weekend away with friends.

Whether you crave tropical beaches, winter activities, thrilling trips through the wilderness, or simply want to relax in luxury, select your stay and flight options and plan a getaway to remember.

You can also add optional extras to make your escape truly memorable. Why not book a classic car to cruise around, make special requests to help celebrate birthdays, or book excursions to get your adrenaline flowing?

Expedia brings you our latest vacation planner guide, an all-in-one travel companion that makes your vacation easy to research, organize, and share. Track flight prices to make sure you get some of the best deals and keep all your reservations and bookings in one place. You’ll also have access to our personal travel advisor powered by ChatGPT technology to answer any travel-related or destination-specific inquiries. Once your booking is complete, the app serves as a real-time record of your vacation, including up-to-date notifications on any changes to your reservations.

You’re the architect of this vacation season, and with Expedia, you’ll get to plan it exactly how you want. Let’s begin.

How to plan a vacation with Expedia?

Vacation planning with Expedia is simple and fun. Just follow these steps and get closer to your departure:

  1. Decide where to go
  2. Decide when to go
  3. Research on the Expedia app
  4. Share your travel plans with your group
  5. Book your flights and accommodation
  6. Book excursions or activities
  7. Enjoy your vacation!

1. Decide where to go on vacation

When you think you need to start planning your vacation, the first choice you need to make is where to go. Find a vacation destination in 2024 that matches the type of vacation you’re looking to have and who will be joining you. For vacation ideas, check out Expedia’s travel guides and choose somewhere new to explore or a favorite spot you’ve been waiting to revisit.

2. Decide when to go

Deciding when to go on a vacation in 2024 will depend on the type of trip you want to experience, where you’re going, and practical considerations like the weather conditions at particular times of the year. Sometimes, travel dates will be determined by your vacation days from work or when your children are off school, but being flexible with your travel dates, if possible, is one of the best ways to save money on your vacation. Traveling offseason, for example, can save you hundreds of dollars.

3. Explore trip ideas with ChatGPT on the Expedia app

Expedia’s vacation planner app is powered by ChatGPT, offering you all the services of a mobile travel planner in your pocket. Not only can this technology suggest places to stay and visit and how to navigate a new destination, but it also saves hotel recommendations and itinerary points of interest, helping you stay organized.

4. Save your trip ideas and invite people to your trip

Save your travel itinerary, including reservations and itineraries, and then invite others to the app to share your vacation details. If you’re the vacation planner in your family or friendship circle, your life is about to get much easier. Imagine quickly sharing all the details of a large family or group vacation with every person attending. You’ll never have to chase people down to remind them of flight times and hotel details again.

5. Book flights, hotels, and rental cars by bundling your trip for even more savings

Enjoy even more vacation savings when you book your flights and hotels together in a vacation package. Bundling your travel bookings, including rental cars, is convenient and can help you save money.

6. Book activities and things to do

Pre-booking your activities and excursions helps you plan your vacation budget and gets you excited about your vacation before you even leave. Choose from a huge range of things to do at your destination, including tours, special events, theme parks, museums, and more.

7. When to book your vacation

According to Expedia’s latest research and insight into air travel hacks, the cheapest day to book flights is, generally speaking, Sundays, while Fridays are the most expensive. Booking your vacation on a Sunday can save up to 13% off the cost of your next vacation. Booking in advance, about 60 days before international travel, results in cheaper flights. It’s also best to travel in the morning to avoid cancellations or delays, which can snowball, affecting more flights later in the day.

8. Choose your way to pay

Thanks to Expedia’s partnership with Affirm, you can book your next vacation and pay for it your way with choices to spread the cost in easy-to-manage monthly installments with our deposit and payment plans. Or buy now and pay the balance in 30 days’ time with 0 deposit vacation booking options. 

Top tips on how to plan your vacation

How do I plan a vacation with Expedia?

Start to plan your vacation by choosing your desired destination and travel dates. If you need vacation ideas, explore our latest deals or discover what’s available in a specific location during your chosen travel period. Browse flights, activities, and accommodations to create an unforgettable vacation getaway. With Expedia, you can book travel plans with a small deposit and convenient monthly payments that align with your financial strategy.

How do I create an itinerary for my trip?

If you’re not sure how to plan a vacation this vacation season, navigate to the Trips tab on the Expedia homepage, select “Create a trip,” and enter a new trip name. Begin planning your itinerary by searching for accommodations or activities at your desired destination. Save your favorites by tapping the heart icon and invite family members or fellow adventurers to also help plan travel in our Trip Planner.

What things do I need to consider when planning a trip?

When planning travel, take your preferred destination, budget, travel dates, weather, and desired activities into account. Whether you’re seeking a warm winter retreat in Costa Rica or dream of strolling through enchanting vacation markets in Europe, Expedia’s filters make it easy to explore great deals and create your dream vacation travel itinerary.

What are some useful tools I can use to plan my trip?

If you asked yourself, "Where should I go on vacation?" then wondered what step you should take next, simplify your travel arrangements with Expedia’s Trip Planner. Save and organize your favorite activities and accommodations, collaborate with your group, and book your vacation in one place.

How early should I plan a trip?

According to Expedia’s air travel hacks, you should book your vacation plans a month ahead for domestic travel and 60 days in advance for international journeys. Those who booked domestic flights 28 days before departure saved an average of 24%, and international travelers who booked 60 days ahead saved around 10%.

How do I budget for vacation?

Budgeting can be tricky, so it’s important to set realistic expectations and take advantage of helpful resources. Establish a practical budget by considering costs such as flights, accommodation, food, and activities while completing your vacation planner. Expedia offers the flexibility to compare prices and secure your vacation with a small deposit, followed by monthly payments to help you meet your financial goals.

How can I plan a cheap vacation?

Start by checking out Expedia’s newest flight deals to discover what’s available. If you have particular places to go on vacation in mind, search for them along with your dates. Then, either sort by price or filter by budget to find the most affordable options.

How do I plan a great family vacation?

Ready to create an unforgettable family vacation but unsure where to begin? Start by using our filters to discover family-friendly hotels in sought-after destinations like Disney resorts or Hawaii. By exploring accommodations with kid-friendly amenities, such as game rooms, pools, and waterparks, you can design a plan for travel in 2025 the whole family is bound to love.

How do I find cool things to do on vacation?

Explore the extensive Expedia travel guides filled with fantastic sights and activities all over the world. Whether you’re planning a tour or looking to attend sporting events, concerts, or music festivals, Expedia makes it easy to fill your travel planner with memorable vacation excursions.

Can I save money by booking a vacation package with flights and hotel?

Expedia often offers the best deals when you bundle your flights, accommodation, and car rental. Explore our latest vacation packages to create your dream vacation in just a few minutes.

How can I find the best deals for my vacation?

Check out Expedia’s vacation packages, and remember that bundling flights and accommodation could lead to significant savings. Plus, keep an eye on our promotions and special offers to grab some of the best deals this vacation season.

Does Expedia have a flexible cancellation policy?

Planning traveling for the vacations can be challenging, but Expedia’s free cancellation and pay-later options can help alleviate some of the stress. Simply filter your search by payment type, and keep in mind that cancellation policies may differ for each vacation package. Always carefully check cancellation policies before booking your getaway.

Why should I plan my next vacation with Expedia?

Crafting your dream vacation in 2024 is a breeze with Expedia. With our advanced filter options, you can easily decide where to go on vacation and design a tourist plan in no time. Whether you’re looking to spend quality time with family, embark on a weekend retreat, or set off on a thrilling winter escapade, Expedia offers fantastic deals on vacation packages to help you create an unforgettable journey.

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